Tuesday 9 October 2012

From Monday 15th October the residents of Hyne Town House will be able to enjoy the company of Daisey the highly trained Pets As Therapy dog
Pets As Therapy is a national charity founded in 1983. It is unique in that it provides therapeutic visits to residential care homes. Since its beginning over 20,000 PAT dogs have been registered into the scheme. Currently there are over 4,500 active PAT visiting dogs at work in the UK.
Our residents will be given the opportunity to interact, cuddle and talk to with Daisey, under closely supervised conditions, to enjoy the companionship and well documented therapeutic benefits of petting an animal and receiving unconditional love in return.

Monday 8 October 2012

Food Hygiene Rating


Food Hygiene Rating


Following an unannounced visit this morning from The Food Standards Agency, Hyne Town House has been awarded the top Food Hygiene Rating score of 5 (Very Good).
This is a superb achievement and reflects the importance the Home places on producing a choice of excellent meals from locally sourced produce in modern, state of the art kitchens to suit individual needs such as vegetarian, diabetic and low fat diets.
Congratulations go to Michelle and Antra, Hyne Town House's cooks, for this superb achievement.
Stephen & Yvonne Mould (Proprietors)